If you're in the Seattle Fashion Industry, now is the time to sign up to be part of Fashion Group International. FGI is a global, non-profit organization with over 5000 members in the fashion industry including apparel, accessories and beauty. This is a great way to connect with your industry peers, network, seek new talent in the Seattle area and help unite the fashion community. The FGI mission is to be the pre-eminent authority on the business of fashion and design and to help its members become more effective in their careers. To do this, FGI provides insights on major trends in person, online and in print; access to business professionals and a gateway to the influence fashion plays in the global marketplace. Seattle FGI members come from a variety of companies including Barneys NY, Esquel Apparel, Elise Magazine, Pat Nugent Textiles, Gossip & Glamour, Satsuma Designs, Diane Katz Designs, Ex Officio, Half Past Lavish, A to Z Tees, REI and more.
To join FGI or request more information please contact: seattlefgi@gmail.com.
FGI Seattle Now Accepting New Members

Reviewed by sania
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5